Sunday, January 9, 2011

Anything at all

Personally, I've never been a fan of Topshop. I only have  two or three piece of Topshop in my wardrobe.
Then again, I can't ignore this one, can you?

These shouts you can be anything this Spring. Be yourself :)

credits: Topshop

Friday, January 7, 2011

Colour Our World

Can you live your life without colour? 
If you can't, you're most welcome to Marc Jacob's Spring 2011 Collection!


The Man

So, what do you think? Can Marc Jacobs colour your world? It colours mine :)
Let's fall in love all over again

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Girls Want

                               Most girls love fairytales. Classical fairytale comes in the form of Cinderella and Snow White. While the modern ones come in the form of shows like Gossip Girl. Well, Gossip Girl might not be all sweet but that's an almost real fairytale where all the girls are in the form of goddes and they are never seen in a trash bag, rather they never leaves home without the likes of Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Chanel or at least Nanette Lepore.

So, what are every girl's fantasies? Here's the list;


To be able to shop wherever and whenever. PMS included. Retail therapy is what we girls need whenever a silly breaks our heart. Unfortunately, only the likes of Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen can afford this therapy. For the rest of us mere mortal, there's always catalogues :D


To be able to become a teen rebel and get away with it. Rufus always forgives Jenny eventhough she has done the biggest mistake anyone can ever done. She can also pull the grungy look quite well, and I wish I can pull it off too ;)


To be able to have a hot boyfriend who also knows fashion without being a gay. Hot guys with styles are hard to find now. Even if there is some out there, they are either gay or love themselves too much.


To receive expensive presents. Who doesn't want Cartier? Or Tiffany? I do. But who's gonna give me those kind of present? Prince Charming? Almost impossible.

#5 (last but never the least)

To be able to look pretty without looking we're trying too hard and trying too hard. It takes me hours to pick the right clothes. I think I might need a personal stylist. Please?

Till then, toodles :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


G'day! Yesterday I had another shopping trip at Rundall Mall. My biiggest splurge was this really pretty flats I bought at Nine West and it was reduced by 50% to 70 dollars.I was too happy I went speechless :D

I didn't buy much clothes though cause I thought I've already bought so many of them this week so I decided to focus on accessories. Diva still had their 'nothing over 5 dollars' sale. So I bought lots of new necklaces and rings.

My favourite is this tinkerbell inspired necklace. They're so cute but I don't know whether I can actually wear them though, any suggestions?

My tinky :)

And here are my kiddie buys :p

Bought these at Diva;
Barbie inspired bracelet, Cinderella’s carriage inspired necklace,Tinker Bell’s inspired necklace
They’re a bit childish, but I love them!

I might hang out with an old friend tomorrow at Rundall Mall (again -.-') It was quite a surprise that sh's here in Adelaide too but it's nice to have a friend here :)
Till then,toodles!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Alannah Hill

           I just found out that Australia has great designers. I love the little boutiques near Rundall Mall (since I can't remember the name of the street). I went crazy as soon as I entered the small boutiques, especially because Australia is having a huge sale. The sale was crazy, clothes are reduced up tp 70% and my aunt calls me a shopaholic now ;) Can't blame a 17-year-old for shopping can you?

           While I was walking at the sidewalk, there was a boutique that really caught my eye. From far I thought that it sells children stuffs as the boutique was really colourful and I just couldn't resist myself from staring. I decided to take a look and step inside it. As soon as I stepped inside it, I fell in love! The clothes are beautiful. They're colourful and bold with pretty graphics on it. Everyone will fall in love, from very girly girls to really quirky girls.

         So, here is my favourite new designer, Alannah Hill,

It may take a while for me to fall in llove with another designer again but for now I'm happily in love with Alannah Hill :)